
Friday, June 24, 2016

Beginning Reader Review of Bees and Wasps by James MacLaine

Read for: Early Reader Challenge
Synopsis: "The latest title in the popular Beginner's series explains how these fascinating insects build their nest, communicate and work together. It also covers pollination, how they defend themselves by stinging and how honey is made and collected."

My Review: So I originally picked this book up to help teach Munchkin that bees are not that scary, but at the last minute I decided not to read it with him. I am glad I didn't because I don't think he is ready for this level of book and I have a feeling that all the close up pictures would have given him nightmares. Anyway, this is a good level 3 reader, it has short and simple sentences but with quite a bit of new vocabulary and it is rather long too. It is very informative though and would be great for those nature and science or bug lovers.
My Rating: While it wasn't quite the right book for Munchkin I think it is still a great beginning reader book.  I give it a rating of Three Paws.

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