
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pen to Paper: Books to Inspire You

Hello all my letter writing friends! I hope you enjoyed sharing the Month of Letters with me.  I thought that this month instead of talking about actually writing letters, postcards and other snail mail, I would share some books to help inspire corresponding through the mail. 
A few years ago when I first decided to really focus on writing letters I read a book called The Art of the Personal Letter.  While this book was helpful in getting things started, it was very formal. It had several ideas for writing thank you letters, sympathy notes, and invitations, among other letters you might right.  So I assumed that most books you would find on writing letters would be similar, until I came across the book I am going to share with you today.  I saw this book reviewed on YouTube and added it to my cart on Amazon. 
This is a pretty large book, it has a thick hardback cover and the pages are also very thick.  I loved this book because not only did it give you ideas on when to write to someone but also tips on what to write.  It then took things a step further in giving you ideas on how to personalize your mail and letters. Now it may not be for everyone, some of you might prefer the more classic idea of the letter, but for me I love creating unique and crafty letters to send to my pen pals, friends and family.
So this is a great book to pick up if you want to start writing letters and just need some little tips here and there. It has a wealth of information.  You might also want to pick it up just to observe the beauty of the book, it has within it some beautiful vintage letters from the likes of Beatrice Potter, Van Gogh and other famous and influential people.
I hope you will join me throughout the month as I share a variety of the books I have found to inspire you in your written correspondence journey!

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