
Monday, March 28, 2016

Magic Tree House Monday: Book 12 - Polar Bears Past Bedtime

Welcome to Magic Tree House Monday!

Each Monday (other than when special events are planned) I will review one book of the Magic Tree House Series by Mary Pope Osborne.
In Book 12, Jack and Annie are summoned after bedtime by a snowy owl to join Morgan in the Magic Tree House.  They were sent to the artic to solve the last riddle to become master librarians.
My Review: This was another great installment of the Magic Tree House Series, I really like how the books are progressing and making not only Jack and Annie use their experiences and minds to figure things out but also the reader. There is always a lot of action and danger in these books but this one wasn't as intense as some of the others. It is also a nice breaking point if a young reader doesn't want to continue but it is exciting enough that most will be eager to continue.
My Rating: I found it odd at first how every 4 books was like a mini series but I now see the benefit, where kids who want to move on to other books can leave feeling satisfied with a conclusion or they can continue reading this series.  I give this book a rating of Four Paws.

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