
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss Giveaway!!

Dr. Seuss books have always held a special place in my life, long before I had a child I was collecting and revisiting the books regularly. I am hoping that Munchkin will develop the great for these books as well. My favorite Dr. Seuss book is hard to pick, I have always love Horton Hears a Who, but I also love the Sneetches (in fact I have Sneetch themed nails right now, yellow with green stars and then no stars). So far Munchkin really loves One Fish Two Fish.

I remember back in kindergarten we put on a Dr. Seuss play, it featured Green Eggs and Ham and Cat in the Hat. We all had the hats on, and my line (yes I still remember this) was "Look everyone, the sun is coming out".
Last spring we got to visit the Dr. Seuss Memorial Park in Springfield MA.


And then last weekend we went to Story Time at our local Barnes & Noble for a Dr. Seuss Celebration.
 The first book read was What Pet Should I Get, which was released last year.

Then of course Cat in the Hat
Munchkin was an avid listener, it was a crowded room and he didn't want to leave Hubby.

Pin the Tail on Horton

Coloring hats & draw What Pet Should I Get

We also made some snacks for Preschool, they are having a Dr. Seuss Day!

Tonight for dinner we will be having some Green Eggs and Ham.

So to celebrate this amazing man who has brought fun books to children of many generations (and gotten many parents tongue tied), I wanted to host a little giveaway.

For the giveaway I have 2 prizes (not really a 1st and 2nd just two sets) full of Dr. Seuss book and character themed goodies. Each set includes notebook, dry erase board, wrapping paper, clipboard, pens, coloring crayons, stickers, pencil case, pencils, erasers, bookmarks, and a drink cup.

I have been gathering these goodies for several years and while I have saved some things for my own Dr. Seuss collection, I thought I would share the wealth with all of you. 

~ Open Internationally
~ Must be 18 or older to enter (if you are a winner and want it addressed to your child, let me know when I email you).
~ Giveaway starts now and Ends on Friday (March 4th) to give time for entries.
~ Entries can be made by below methods
~ At the end the 2 winners will be selected by Rafflecopter


  1. Dr Suess is a hit and miss with me author. I love some of his stuff and others are a bit too wild. It looks like Munckin had fun at the library.

  2. my favorite is Oh the Places You'll Go

  3. My first memory is a bit hazy..I remember the bright pictures and the red and blue colors. Also the brother and sister reading, and Thing One and Thing Two (creeped me out slightly).

  4. My favorite Seuss book is How The Grinch Stole Christmas!

  5. My earliest Seuss memory is my mom reading to me as a child :)

  6. My favorite Dr. Seuss Book is Theres A Wocket in my Pocket!

  7. My earliest Dr Seuss memory is my mom reading Red Fish Blue Fish to me and my sister!

  8. My earliest Dr Seuss memory is my mom reading Red Fish Blue Fish to me and my sister!

  9. My favorite Dr. Seuss Book is Theres A Wocket in my Pocket!
