
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Review of Mary Poppins by PL Travers

Read for: Mount TBR & Audio Books
Synopsis: "It all starts when Mary Poppins is blown by the east wind onto the doorstep of the Banks house. She becomes a most unusual nanny to Jane, Michael, and the twins. Who else but Mary Poppins can slide up banisters, pull an entire armchair out of an empty carpetbag, and make a dose of medicine taste like delicious lime-juice cordial? A day with Mary Poppins is a day of magic and make-believe come to life!"

My Review: I have always enjoyed the Disney Mary Poppins movie and thought it would be fun to read the book with Munchkin before he saw the movie. I have to say I am a little disappointed, it didn't capture Munchkin's interest and barely held mine. The Mary Poppins character isn't nearly as likable or even fascinating. Yes fun adventures happen but they aren't really highlighted or elaborated on, it just simply happened. It was a rather dull book and I am glad that Disney was able to make such a fantastic movie out of it with the wonderful characters.
My Rating: I can't tell you how disappointed I am with this book. It was barely even okay for me and no where near that for Munchkin. I think we will just stick to the movie on this one. I give it a rating of One Paw and a Stump Wag.


  1. Replies
    1. I had such high expectations, I was hoping for vivid descriptions and to be drawn into the story but it fell so flat for me. And I must say Mary Poppins wasn't a very likable character.
