
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tasty Attempts: Divine Chicken Divan

 I am now posting Tasty Attempts every other Tuesday. The posts will include a variety of recipes, maybe some of them turn out tasty, maybe others are failed attempts.
So I am trying to use more of my cookbooks at home. I have so many I can't even fit them in my cookbook cabinet.  So I pulled out one of my Rachel Ray 30 minute meals (I have 2 or 3 of her books and can't remember which one it was). I found this recipe in the book and it not only made a meal but also chicken for another meal (so that one would be half done too). It looked easy enough and I had a vast majority of the ingredients.
Well I have a bone to pick, not only did this recipe take longer than 30 minutes but it definitely is written by someone who has a staff to prep food and clean up afterwards!
Here is a picture of the aftermath of this recipe
That doesn't include another pan on the stove or the dishes already in the dishwasher! UGH! While I love quick recipes, I can't consider it a quick recipe if it takes longer to clean up than to prepare and eat!
It was tasty (though Munchkin refused to eat it even though it was all things he loves). We also made the Tetrazzini recipe that used the other half of the chicken, it was rather bland and didn't really reheat all that well. I think this was a miss for me in the recipe department.


  1. What a shame! I hate when a recipe dirties every dish, pot and pan and utensil to make! And thus hours of clean up! So annoying. At least it tasted good.

    1. It is one of the things I dislike so much about cooking, especially baking; you put in all that work and then you can't even really enjoy the meal knowing you have all that clean up to face when you are done eating.
