
Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
Picturing Christmas by Jason F. Wright
Froggy's Best Christmas by Jonathan London
A Cherry Cola Christmas by Ashton Lee
Dec the Holls by Jasinda Wilder (After Dark)
Snowball Soup by Mercer Mayer (Early Reader)
Tractor Mac Saves Christmas by Billy Steers (Bedtime Story)
A Christmas to Remember by D. Morgan (Graphic Novel)
Survival of the Christmas Spirit by Aimee Horton

 Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Love and Leftovers = 3pts
A Redbird Christmas = 3pts

Currently Reading:

 Books to be Read Soon:

Dark Sun, Bright Moon by Oliver Sparrow - Requested Review


Total Points Earned
  214 points + 6pts earned = 220 points

Pages Read/ Time Listened
56,070 pages read (625 read this week)
198:04 listening time

Books Added to Shelves

Interesting Tidbits on the Web:



Finally starting to feel better and so is Munchkin, but things have fallen way behind.  This time of year is always so stressful from everyone and this year just seems so much worse with Hubby's 3rd shift schedule, Munchkin just isn't adjusting well to it.  So as a result many things have been adjusted this last week. Normal Christmas decorations just aren't going to be put up, the usual Christmas day meals are being set aside for things easy to prepare and even be prepared early. I have even had to adjust my planned reading to find shorter and easier books to read to finish out my challenges. I only have one book left that I plan to read this year but I have several reviews to catch up on and some posts to get done too in order to officially close out 2015!

I hope that all of you are doing well and that the holiday season has found you surrounded by loved ones and wrapped in joy!


  1. There's nothing worse than not being prepared for Christmas and being sick too. I hope you're on the mend and have a good Christmas!

    1. Everything turned out okay, it was just a little less than years past. Some gifts didn't get wrapped, the dinner didn't have all the usual elements and not all the decorations got put up, but family was still here and everyone was still happy and that is all that matters.
