
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Review of Healing the Highlander by Melissa Mayhue

Read for: Mount TBR & Series Challenge
Synopsis: "ANDREW MACALISTER longs for a cure to free him from the excruciating pain caused by an old wound, but when he rescues a drowning woman, he has no idea how much his life is about to change. All Drew knows is that this mysterious woman is hiding secrets—and that he’s never felt such a consuming desire before. Yet he cannot deny her request for help, even if it means bringing the detested English army to his Highland clan’s home.

LEAH NOBLE MCQUARRIE still harbors a deep hatred of the Fae who tortured her eleven years ago, forcing her to escape back in time to the thirteenth century. A descendant of the Fae, Leah denies her heritage and her magical healing abilities. But the English army is holding her beloved adoptive grandfather captive, so Leah must seek help from the Fae—and the captivating man whose touch she craves.

Then Drew discovers Leah’s secrets, and he’s torn between old loyalties and trusting a woman who has the power to give him the future he’s sought—but could destroy his clan forever. . . ."

My Review: Thank goodness Mayhue decided to keep with the historical aspect again instead of bouncing back to the fantasy. One thing to keep in mind with reading this series is to keep them all on hand to keep track of the dates, sometimes the time are earlier than the previous book and sometimes later. With that said, I enjoyed reading Drew's story and seeing both him and Leah grow and develop understanding. I also really like the tensions of the time period and how Mayhue integrated them into the storyline.
My Rating: Another great book in this series. I feel like Mayhue finally found a rhythm for the series and is following through with it. I really enjoyed this book again though maybe not as much as the last book. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.


  1. I'm glad this one was good too. I think I'd like the fantasy aspect but maybe not.

    1. I normally do really enjoy fantasy too but for some reason it just adds too much to an already complicated storyline.
