
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fun with Munchkin: The Eric Carle Picture Book Museum

I have decided to add a new post to my list of things that could happen on the weekends.  As part of my resolutions for 2015, I wanted to do more fun things with Munchkin and as a family.  I will be posting sporadically about some of the fun adventures we are having together.

Another thing we did last weekend on our little family vacation was visit the Eric Carle Picture Book Museum. It is just north of Springfield MA (where the Dr. Seuss Memorial Park was) in Ahmerst, MA. I happened to stumble across this on the internet and knew we had to go. This was the most amazing place ever and if it was closer we would go all the time! It is definitely made for the young children age group but is still very enjoyable for adults (and you can't help but have fun when the kids are so excited).

As soon as we walked through the door Munchkin was screaming about THE Caterpillar.
They have a library filled with picture books, toys, puzzles and activities. They also feature story time a few times a day (we got lucky and caught one just as we arrived).
Then they have an art room where they let the kids create their own art. The themes vary from time to time. When we went it was black and white (and grey). The kids are given a piece of card board and all kinds of different materials to create with.
The have a beautiful gallery with two sides. It appears the east side always features some form of Eric Carle's work (this time it was about his bugs). It also included a history of his life and how he does his work, which I found very interesting. The other side of the gallery features another children's book illustrator. Due to the fact that it is basically an art gallery/ museum they don't allow pictures.
They do have prints in one of the halls so you can take pictures with the kids. Munchkin immediately found the pictures from one of his favorite books, Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See
And of course the Very Hungry Caterpillar
They also had an unbelievable book/gift shop. I didn't take a picture because I was busy shopping and Munchkin's attention span was running low by that point. I will tell you though that it was awesome! They had books from board books up to middle grade and everything from non-fiction to graphic novels! The staff was also extremely knowledgeable and were able to pull out 7 books within seconds of me asking for an outer space or astronaut book for a 3 year old.  They did say you can shop online at their store too *wink wink here is the link -
Seriously if you are ever in the area you must check this out, it was some of the most fun we have had!


  1. It looks like so much fun. It's a blast when kids are having fun. I love how much you read to Munchkin. He has such a love of books now because of it.

    1. It was a blast, I think we could have spent all day there instead of just the 3 hours we did. I am also so glad that I was able to create a little bookworm and we have that little thing to share between the two of us. Of course he is also his father's son and loves all things with wheels and tools ;)
