
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Review of Jesper Jinx and the Turkish Pepper by Marko Kitti

Synopsis: "Jesper Jinx is eleven, and probably the unluckiest person in all of Puffington Hill. Everything he touches seems to end up in sweet disaster. Hence his nickname 'Jinx'.

In the third book of his wickedly funny adventures, Jesper goes camping and develops a taste for Turkish Pepper. (WARNING: Turkish Pepper might not be what you think it is!) You'll also get to know Jesper's 99-year-old neighbour. Oh, and a fox called Frank. Finally, there's a huge concert coming to town starring local rapper Horrid Porridge.

Can Jesper rise to the occasion with another Boredom Breaker or will the Turkish Peppers get to him?

Some truly splendid antics are in store for you, lucky reader!"

My Review:  I have really enjoyed the Jesper Jinx series so far and am happy that it is continuing with new comedic happenings in each one. I found it interesting that in this one it seemed that the boredom breakers and pranks were pulled more on Jesper than he did to everyone else (and it wasn't even due to them backfiring), this added a new element of fun. I particularly enjoyed Mr. Frank Fox and Snowy the Cat, they made me really giggle. This is a great series and book for both boys and girls of all ages.
My Rating: This series is just so great, I really hope you are all paying attention (in my opinion these are the next Diary of a Wimpy Kid).  This installment of the series gets a rating of Four Paws!
Jesper Jinx and the Turkish Pepper was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
You can find out more about Marko Kitti and his work on his Goodreads Page or Website.
You can also obtain your own copy in digital or print version from Amazon or in print from Barnes and Noble.


  1. I never read Diary of a Wimpy Kid and am not sure I ever will but these ones definitely make me want to read them.

    1. These are so fun and will definitely appeal to hesitant young boy readers. Granted they will give them a lot of prank ideas.
