
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Nail Art Share: January 2015

So as I said I have been painting my nails weekly/biweekly as set in my resolutions.  Instead of boring you with posts of just plain colors I wanted just to once a month share my art and maybe some colors that I find particularly striking.
So here are a few of my nail looks for the month of January
I received a huge Shany Nail art set for Christmas and let Munchkin pick out the colors and this is what I did with them.
Again Munchkin picked out his favorite color, red, for me to use. As there was some snow in the forecast I decided to paint snowflakes and use a snowflake/glitter polish for accent.
Finally, I found some cute little animal ideas on Pinterest and let Munchkin pick between polar bears or penguins.
Yes, Munchkin gets a lot of say in my nail polish, for some reason he is completely fascinated by it. He loves to pick out the colors and watch me paint or do art. He also loves looking at them after the fact. Odd, but it brings him joy and it keeps the creativity flowing if I get a block.
Looking at these pictures, I see I really need to work on cleaning up after I paint and before I take pictures.  Also, I need to really take better care of my hands and cuticles, the cold weather and working with paper my hands are dry with lots of hang nails.
I have some really great ideas for February (including one commemorating Letter Writing Month and of course Valentines Day).
Please share your ideas or art too!



  1. Very cute. And oh my word I notice the same things with my nails when I take pictures. I work with animals and so am constantly cleaning and washing my hands and whew yeah that's rough on the hands. Love the pink and black set.

    1. I am usually doing them either with Munchkin hanging over me or after he goes to bed so I just get lazy and don't clean them up. Oh I used to work with animals too and that constant hand washing was brutal. I don't normally like pink, but was actually pretty happy with the result of that set.

  2. That's adorable and sweet. :) He's going to love creating things himself, too!

    1. I sure hope he ends up being creative! I want to set up an art space for us in the basement so I can get back to my own art while he works on his.

  3. So cute! I can't paint my nails to save my life. I love that Munckin is so fascinated by it. Maybe he'll grow up to be the one man in the world who understand when a woman just needs to get her nails done.

    1. Thanks! When I started out with this project in December 2013 I couldn't paint my nails either, especially my right hand! While I still have a long way to go, I am definitely getting better at it!
