
Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

A Home for the Holidays
Reasons My Kid is Crying
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Christmas Cottage
Holidays On Ice
Full Exposure (After Dark)
Santa is Coming to Rhode Island (Bedtime Story)
A Christmas Carol (Graphic Novel)
Christmas Kisses

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Pete the Cat: Wheels on the Bus
Do Kangaroos Have Mothers too?
Playing the Part
The Masquerade
The Seducer
An Otis Christmas
The Governess Affair
The Snow Queen
The Duchess War

Currently Reading:

 Books to be Read Soon:

Harry Potter books 3 -7
Cold Stone Revenge


Interesting Tidbits from the Web:



Gosh, it still doesn't feel like the end of the year is coming but it sure as heck is marching this way quickly.  I have been working hard to put together my challenges and reading lists for next year. I have my little shelf upstairs full of the books I plan to read in 2015.   But that is all for next year, I am getting way ahead of myself and need to finish out this year first. 

I have less than 10 books left to read to get the full 365 books in a single year.  I feel like that is a huge accomplishment, but the non-readers I share this news with look at me like I am crazy and blow it off like it is nothing.  Granted many of the books were children's books, but still that is a book every day of the year! That is also on top of working a full time job, maintaining our house and taking care of Munchkin almost entirely on my own since Hubby works nights and isn't home or is sleeping when we are there.

Anywho enough of my ranting, Christmas is coming this week! I hope you have all been enjoying my Advent Reads event. I really tried to find a wide variety of books so there would be something for everyone.

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