
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Advent Reads Day 9: The Last Christmas Card by Laura Briggs

Synopsis: "Over sixty years ago, a World War II soldier mailed a Christmas card from overseas to his sweetheart. That card has finally arrived–but to an address now called home by Samantha, a young missionary awaiting her next assignment. Inspired by the card's amazing journey–and the tender message of its sender–Samantha searches for the card's rightful owner against the odds.

Her best hope seems to lie with Ty, a wounded soldier sent home to finish his career behind a desk. Feeling trapped, bitter, and alone, he wants nothing more than to bury himself in his work. But Samantha's quest draws him into the world again as he helps her search for the soldier and his long-ago sweetheart.

With the holidays approaching and only a slim chance of finding the truth, Samantha and Ty find themselves taking chances with both their faith and their hearts to deliver a Christmas miracle in the form of a special card from long ago."

My Review: A touching Christmas story about a love that stood the test of time and a love that is freshly blooming. It is a strong Christian based book as one of the characters is a missionary and at times it felt a little pushy but not always. I do love the story of tracking down the owner of an old card, there is nothing as heartwarming as reuniting someone with an old lost memory.
My Rating: This was a sweet book and actually along the lines of the Nano novel I wrote last year (only obviously much better).  It may not be the book for everyone as the religious aspect is one of the main threads.  I give it a rating of Two Paws and a Stump Wag.

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