
Monday, December 8, 2014

Advent Reads Day 8: The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook Presents A Magical Christmas Menu by Dinah Bucholz

Synopsis: "Free eBook Download!Sure, you can't be in Hogwarts Hall for the Christmas feast, but you can add some wizadry to your own holiday meal with this free e-book! The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook Presents: A Magical Christmas Menu includes 16 recipes guaranteed to enchant your friends and family this holiday season. From mouth-watering appetizers to decadent desserts and a steaming cup of Mrs. Weasley's Hot Chocolate, this season you can conjure a feast that would satisfy even Hagrid's hearty appetite!"

My Review: This was very interesting and would be fantastic for any big Harry Potter Fan. It gives a full several course menu with recipes for each item for a Hogwarts worthy Holiday dinner. I liked that each item had a brief description about where it appeared in the Harry Potter books and then an additional description of the history of the dish. There are several unique ideas and I am definitely making the creamy onion soup for either Thanksgiving or Christmas!
My Rating: This really wasn't what I was expecting but such a pleasant surprise. You don't need to be a Harry Potter buff or even a fan to enjoy this one. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.

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