
Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 2014 Challenge Update

Oh Wow! 2014 is almost done! We are in the last month of the year and Challenges are quickly being wrapped up! Time for one last update and push.
So here we go:
Mental Illness Advocacy Challenge
This challenge is complete however I do have one more book I would like to read for this challenge, maybe in the fall.
Series Challenge
Wow I have completed 9 whole series so far this year! I am still determined to finish the Harry Potter series, and possibly the Icemark series too.
Series #1: Harry Potter - Book 1, Book 2,
Series #2: Secret of the Unicorn Queen - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6 - Series Complete!
Series #3: Rose Harbor - Book 1, Book 1.5, Book 2, Book 3 - Complete
Series #4: Firebrand - Book #1, Book #2, Book #3 - Series Complete!
Series #5: Gifted Series - Book #1, Book #2, Book #3 - Series Complete!
Series #6: Master of the Mountain - Book 1, Book 1.5, Book 2, Book 2.5, Book 3, Book 4 - Series Complete (for now, I am sure there will be more books but none are set to release this year).
Series #7: Dakota Series -  Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4 - Series Complete!
Series #8: Vampire Warrior Kings Series - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 - Series Complete!
Series #9: Firelight Series - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 3.5 - Series Complete
Series #10: Woods Family Series - Book 1 (read previously), Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book .5 - Series Complete
Audio Book Challenge
This Challenge is COMPLETE but still have been listening away
8. Stay
9. Rider
Graphic Novel Challenge
This challenge is COMPLETE and I think I have finished all the GNs I planned to read this year.
10. Relish
Mount TBR
I am still a little behind on this challenge, but I have several books that I need to read for the upcoming Advent Reads event. Many of them can be applied to this challenge.
3. Beauty

Erotica Challenge
Another Challenge Completed!! Woohoo! I even signed up for this one a little late and completed and surpassed my goal (and will probably continue to do so).
 23. Beg
Holy Cow! Where did this year go?! I start to wonder if I have read enough this year and with every opportunity I could, and then I look at this list and say yes, yes I have read as much as possible this year.  We are down to the final month of 2014 and the challenges we set for ourselves this year. 
I am very happy to say that I am definitely going to complete all of my challenges this year! I have completed 6 of my 8 challenges for this year. I have 2 more books to read for the Mount TBR challenge and 3 more books to read for the Equine challenge. I will more than definitely read those 5 books within the next month!
My current Goodreads book count is at 320 so far this year.  I am kind of hoping to reach that 365 mark and be able to cross an item off my bucket list.
So as we head into this final month of the year, expect to start seeing challenge completion posts and challenge signup posts from me!
How are your challenges going?  Are you starting to plan next year's challenges yet (because I am)?

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