
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Review of Bathing and the Single Girl by Christine Elise McCarthy

Synopsis: "BATHING & THE SINGLE GIRL is the smutty, mercilessly irreverent and laugh-out-loud funny debut novel by actress Christine Elise McCarthy. Inspired by her one-woman short film of the same name, it’s the kind of novel Jonathan Ames might write if he’d dropped out of college and had been working as an actress in Hollywood for the last 20 years.

The life of an actress in LA isn’t all glamour, money, and bedding rock stars. Sometimes it’s more about humiliation, red wine hangovers, and the bad decisions they fuel. Ruby Fitzgerald has barely worked in years, not that anyone remembers her for anything but her short stint on a long-canceled but iconic TV show. But that was back when her career prospects seemed on the upswing -- longer ago than Ruby cares to admit, and awkward sex with regrettable partners is doing nothing to take the edge off. Everything once functional in her house is going on strike, but the unemployment checks barely cover the mortgage, and a self-respecting girl needs to be able to pay her bar tab -- so repairs are on hold. One more bubble bath and a few more cocktails. A gal can always get responsible tomorrow.

With everything mounting against her, a cranky and increasingly despairing Ruby will have to find out if her life’s larger indignities are the result of bad luck, or a chronically bad attitude. What follows is a walking tour of the hilarious depths you can sink to if you stop exercising your best judgment."

My Review: I guess I am missing something here because I did not click with this book. I was envisioning a comedy along the lines of what you get with a long awaited girls night. There was definitely some comedy but there were a lot of pages to slog through to get to it. I did not connect with the character at all, in fact I found her to be very judgmental and cruel. There were several great sub-characters though, I thoroughly enjoyed Eliza and Kate. I guess it was really up and down for me throughout the book and was difficult for me to pick up again each time.
My Rating: I guess I was really disappointed in this one and almost had to force myself to finish.  I give it a rating of One Paw and a Stump Wag.
Bathing and the Single Girl was sent to me by the author for an honest review.
You can find out more about Christine Elise McCarthy on her Goodreads Page or Website
You can also obtain your own copy in print or digital format on Amazon or digital format on Barnes and Noble.

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