
Monday, October 20, 2014

Dewey Fall Readathon Wrap up

I am a little delayed getting this post up but there was absolutely no time yesterday since I had a weekend worth of chores to get done in one day.
I survived another Dewey Readathon! I didn't read the full 24 hours and for some reason I felt completely frazzled all day, and still feel a little frazzled and rushed. I think it is because I had so much scheduled on Saturday and wasn't able to really settle in and read like I would have preferred. (I really hope the Children's Book Festival doesn't land on the same weekend again next year or I am really going to have to choose which I want to do).  With that said I actually did get very nearly all the reading I had hoped to get done!
Books finished: Winter Lights, A Porcupine Named Fluffy, Happy Halloween Little Critter, The Note, Kissing Santa, Santa's Ninja Elves, A Christmas Carol GN, Paddington Bear Treasury
Books Read but not Finished: A Cricket on the Hearth (40% complete), Confessions of a Scary Mommy (61 pages read)
Total of pages read: 670ish plus 1 hr 15minutes listened
Running total of time spent reading: 11.5 hours
Which hour was most daunting for you?  hours 11-13 were most daunting because Munchkin went to bed and clearly Hubby couldn't find anything else to occupy his time other than pester me.
Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? Again I strongly suggest having GNs to break things up and I really enjoyed having the Christmas short stories and novellas to read this year.  They were short and fun and it really feels like you are getting somewhere when you finish one.
Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? I didn't get to participate with everyone much so I can't make any suggestions
What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon? I was really happy with the cheerleading this time, after not having anyone stop by last time I was overwhelmed by the support I had on Twitter this readathon. I guess it is easier for the cheerleaders to visit you on twitter rather than the blogs, something to keep in mind for future readathons.
How many books did you read? 10
What were the names of the books you read? Winter Lights, A Porcupine Named Fluffy, Happy Halloween Little Critter, The Note, Kissing Santa, Santa's Ninja Elves, A Christmas Carol GN, Paddington Bear Treasury, Cricket on the Hearth, Confessions of a Scary Mommy
Which book did you enjoy most? I really enjoyed Santa's Ninja Elves
Which did you enjoy least? None of them were bad, I struggled to focus on Confessions of a Scary Mommy because of Hubby.
How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time? I will definitely be participating again next time (I have already marked my calendar for April 25th) and will be a reader again.  I eventually want to reach at least 15 hours of actual reading time.
Thoughts on My Fall Readathon: As I said, it was a crazy day and I had a hard time settling in to read with so much going on.  I felt like I was missing a lot of the fun by not participating online as much and not doing the mini challenges. The interaction has become a big part of it to me and I want to make sure I have that again next time. I also didn't feel like I was really doing much reading with so many children's books this time, I also think the feeling came from the fact that most of my other reading was done on the Kindle, it just doesn't have the same page turning feel.  With that said I really liked having and audio book to listen to, it freed me up from the couch and allowed me to move around and go places while still reading. I did miss my special snacks too, weird but true.
Plans for the Spring Readathon: I am so looking forward to another readathon and am already making plans.  It was handy to get out of the house to avoid Munchkin and Hubby instead of trying to get them to leave me alone while there, so I think I will make a point to spend at least a part of the day out of the house. I will also plan to read more graphic novels between full length books, I will still have children's books to share with Munchkin too.  I think maybe plan on books no longer than 300 pages so that I don't feel like I am stuck. Maybe a few Novellas and some Middle Grade and Young Adult books to keep things going. I will also have another Audio book to both be able to leave the house or even do some chores while still reading.  I think I will also try to have themed snacks to go along with my books.
So how did your readathon go? If you didn't participate do you want to next time?


  1. Looks like you did awesome despite the distractions. We had a great time with our readathon!

    1. I was pretty happy with what I did get accomplished but some year I would like to have to only deal with one or two minor distractions (like the cat & dog).
