
Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

Shiver of Light by Laurell K. Hamilton (After Dark)
Nighttime Ninja by Barbara DaCosta (Bedtime Story)
Hades: Lord of the Dead by George O'Connor (Graphic Novel)

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Gabriel's Inferno
Racing Savannah
Jesper Jinx
Five Silly Fisherman
Where do Giggles come from?
The Trojan Horse
Wednesday Letters
If Your Dreams Take off and Fly
The Well of Being
Currently Reading:

Mozart Season by Virginia Euwer Wolff - PB - on page 35 of 272
We Bought a Zoo by Benjamin Mee - Audio - 62%
Cabin Fever by Diana Hunter - PB - on page 89 of 272
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - PB - on page 144 of 341

 Books to be Read Soon:
Dakota Home by Debbie Macomber
Dakota Always by Debbie Macomber
Buffalo Valley by Debbie Macomber
Visions of a Revolution by Jeffery Minucci (Requested Review)



Wow, so I thought it was going to be a light week of reading but boy was I wrong! I love when reading really takes off, and I need that too because I have a very large pile of books that I want to read this month! Unfortunately I am again struggling with the Harry Potter book, I swear I will never get through this series and I am completely puzzled as to why this series was so popular. If I didn't already own the entire series I probably would have never bought the second book and continued to read it. Oh well I will continue to plug through it at a pace of 2 to 3 chapters a night.

Well I better get busy writing the reviews for all those books!! Hope you have a good week!


  1. You know.. if you are not liking Harry Potter you should stop. I only say this because (from experience) if you are not liking a book/series and forcing yourself to read it .. you will just loath it more. I would suggest .. trying again in a few years. Yes I said years. I have actually re-read a series or tried a DNF again later and really enjoyed it. At least.. this is what I would do.

    1. I agree that is what I probably should do, but Hubby bought me these for Christmas. The books he has bought me the last three years are still sitting on my TBR shelf (Eragon series and Mists of Avalon) and I am afraid that if I don't start reading the books he gives me he might stop buying me books all together LOL! That and I am told that after book 3 the Harry Potter series finally starts picking up steam *crossing my fingers*
