
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June 2014 Challenge Update

Hurray we have made it halfway through the year and Holy Reading Batman!! I cannot believe only 6 months have passed when I look at how many books I have read this year already!
So here we go:
Mental Illness Advocacy Challenge
This challenge is complete however I do have one more book I would like to read for this challenge, maybe in the fall.
3. Dependent (not one of the official books but seems to fit)
Series Challenge
This challenge is officially Complete, however I have several more series in progress and planned that I would like to finish this year. I can't believe how many books and series I have read already this year though!
Series #1: Harry Potter - Book 1
Series #2: Secret of the Unicorn Queen - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6 - Series Complete!
Series #3: Rose Harbor - Book 1, Book 1.5, Book 2 - Complete for Now
Series #4: Firebrand - Book #1, Book #2, Book #3 - Series Complete!
Series #5: Gifted Series - Book #1, Book #2, Book #3 - Series Complete!
Series #6: Master of the Mountain - Book 1, Book 1.5, Book 2, Book 2.5, Book 3, Book 4 - Series Complete (for now, I am sure there will be more books but none are set to release this year).
Series #7: Dakota Series -  Book 1
Series #8: Vampire Warrior Kings Series - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 - Series Complete!
Series #9: Firelight Series - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 3.5 - Series Complete
Series #10: Woods Family Series - Book 1 (read previously), Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book .5 - Series Complete
Audio Book Challenge
This challenge is really taking a lot more effort than I expected. I seem to have a really hard time sitting down and dedicating hours to listening to a book when I could be reading another one. Odd I know but I can't seem to equate listening time to reading a book.
4. We Bought a Zoo - in progress
Graphic Novel Challenge
A few more read this month, I am really having to pace myself with this challenge as it would be so easy to blow it out of the water. The thought has crossed my mind though to just finish the challenge and schedule posts through the end of the year, and I might just have to do that since we are past the halfway point.
10. Relish
Mount TBR
I still haven't really worked on this challenge as I should have, especially considering it is the largest by count of the year. Time to buckle down and get moving.
3. Beauty

Erotica Challenge
Good gravy! I am nearly done with this challenge! I had planned on pacing myself but I guess I got a little carried away. Only 3 books left until it is complete, it definitely won't take long.
 Halfway through the year and I cannot believe how many books have been read already this year. I am sure things will slow down but I am already scheduling reviews into August! According to Goodreads I have read 178 books so far this year (of my 208 goal) and that puts me 76 books ahead of schedule.  For some reason I am foreseeing another raising of my goal, maybe even within this next month!
How are your challenges going? Are you finding you are focusing on any one particular challenge first or just working on them all at once?

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