
Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 2014 Challenge Update

Passed the halfway point in this year and I still cannot believe how much reading I have gotten done, even with how much I still have left to do I feel like I have really accomplished something this year.
So here we go:
Mental Illness Advocacy Challenge
This challenge is complete however I do have one more book I would like to read for this challenge, maybe in the fall.
3. Dependent (not one of the official books but seems to fit)
Series Challenge
Still plugging away at this challenge even with the completion.  I am determined to finish at least two more series, and one of them will be Harry Potter!
Series #1: Harry Potter - Book 1, Book 2,
Series #2: Secret of the Unicorn Queen - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6 - Series Complete!
Series #3: Rose Harbor - Book 1, Book 1.5, Book 2 - Complete for Now
Series #4: Firebrand - Book #1, Book #2, Book #3 - Series Complete!
Series #5: Gifted Series - Book #1, Book #2, Book #3 - Series Complete!
Series #6: Master of the Mountain - Book 1, Book 1.5, Book 2, Book 2.5, Book 3, Book 4 - Series Complete (for now, I am sure there will be more books but none are set to release this year).
Series #7: Dakota Series -  Book 1, Book 2, Book 3
Series #8: Vampire Warrior Kings Series - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 - Series Complete!
Series #9: Firelight Series - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 3.5 - Series Complete
Series #10: Woods Family Series - Book 1 (read previously), Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book .5 - Series Complete
Audio Book Challenge
Slowly but surely getting there. For some reason We Bought a Zoo was a difficult one for me to get through, but really got into both From Baghdad with Love and Tiger Lily! That marks of 3 Audio books in a single month and only 3 more to go for this challenge!
7. Tiger Lily
Graphic Novel Challenge
I read two more this month, I have plans for two more in August. Again I am really having to pace myself.  I am going to have to start gathering some new Graphic Novels for next year since my shelf is starting to run a little thin!
10. Relish
Mount TBR
I added some more books to this challenge this month which makes me happy! I like being able to mark some of these old TBRs off and move them down to my read bookshelves.  Still a lot more to go though . . .
3. Beauty

Erotica Challenge
Good gravy! I am nearly done with this challenge! I had planned on pacing myself but I guess I got a little carried away. Only 2 books left until it is complete, it definitely won't take long and I am determined to complete it this month.
Another month has come to pass. Not as much reading as I would have liked to get done but I had to push through some books that were difficult for me as well as get caught up on some requested reviews. I am up to 207 books on my goodreads challenge, which puts me way ahead of schedule, so I decided to up my goal once again to 260 books.  That equates to 5 books a week all year long! I think it might be a little bit of a challenge coming into birthdays, vacations, holidays and Nanowrimo but I am determined!
How are your challenges going? Are you finding you are focusing on any one particular challenge first or just working on them all at once?

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