
Thursday, July 3, 2014

After Dark Review of Shiver of Light by Laurell K. Hamilton

Synopsis: "I am Princess Meredith NicEssus. Legal name Meredith Gentry, because “Princess” looks so pretentious on a driver’s license. I was the first faerie princess born on American soil, but I wouldn't be the only one for much longer...

Merry Gentry, ex–private detective, now full-time princess, knew she was descended from fertility goddesses, but when she learned she was about to have triplets, she began to understand what that might mean. Infertility has plagued the high ranks of faerie for centuries. Now nobles of both courts of faerie are coming to court Merry and her men, at their home in exile in the Western Lands of Los Angeles, because they will do anything to have babies of their own.

Taranis, King of Light and Illusion, is a more dangerous problem. He tried to seduce Merry and, failing that, raped her. He’s using the human courts to sue for visitation rights, claiming that one of the babies is his. And though Merry knows she was already pregnant when he took her, she can’t prove it.

To save herself and her babies from Taranis she will use the most dangerous powers in all of faerie: a god of death, a warrior known as the Darkness, the Killing Frost, and a king of nightmares. They are her lovers, and her dearest loves, and they will face down the might of the high courts of faerie—while trying to keep the war from spreading to innocent humans in Los Angeles, who are in danger of becoming collateral damage."

My Review: I had to hold off on writing this review after all the emotions had settled a little bit so that I can make everything clear. I love the Merry Gentry series, far more than Hamilton's Anita Blake series and have been waiting for several years for this book to come out. We were left hanging with Merry being pregnant and waiting to discover who the fathers were. I downloaded this book the day it came out (even though I have the entire series in print, I couldn't wait to get the book) and read it immediately. I have to say I was extremely disappointed in this book. I found the characters to be almost ghosts of themselves, when they were even in the story, the leading men has such little time in the spotlight it was like they weren't even there and didn't matter anymore. Additionally, I found Merry to be very distant from her babies after working so hard to have them and protect their futures, she was almost uninterested. Not to mention the book was mostly filled with pointless conversations that honestly didn't seem to have much to do with the plot line, vague and implied threats that don't exist, random chatter, worries without actually going into any depth. Granted you do get a little bit of action and shock factor at the end and eventually find out who the fathers are in a jumbled up paragraph at the very end of the book. All in all a very uneventful book that is a huge disappointment. I honestly hope the Hamilton doesn't continue to write this series as it appears she really doesn't care for the characters or story anymore. I will continue to re-read the previous books in the series to get my visit time with my favorites but I will no longer be purchasing any books in this series.
My Rating: I really hate giving this book a low rating, I have loved so many moments and characters throughout the series but they just weren't there in this one. I give it a rating of One Paw.


  1. Blerg I temporarily DNF'd this one. I LOVE this series too and was so excited about finally having another. I got about half way and with nothing happening on either plot or romance side of things or heat wise and I just kinda lost interest. So very disappointing. Sorry it didn't work for you either :(

    1. It really was so disappointing. I would suggest skipping to the last 75-50 pages when there is some action and things happen quickly. It really is a shame to put out a new book when the author really doesn't seem to care.
