
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Reading Corner for Kids

Welcome to Children's Book Week
I think Munchkin has finally started outgrowing the need to be rocked each night after his story.  So I thought it was time for me to start creating a nice little reading corner for him to have a quiet spot to curl up with a good book.  Of course Pinterest is full of some great ideas but I have a few of my own already.
First I saw this great bookshelf on Overstock. The one currently in his room now is a really cheap one I had while in college (a long time ago but we don't need to discuss details). I love this one because you can use the bins to hide little books or not use them on the shelf (it also has a smaller matching cubby shelves or even a desk set that matches).
Of course this idea from Pinterest is a great idea too, since there isn't a bookshelf made that can hold all of Munchkin's books and still fit in his room.
Though I wouldn't want them that low because you always need room to lean against the wall.
Of course you need lots of comfy pillows and bean bag chairs too! I plan to try to stick with a color scheme of blue and red since it goes with the current décor of Dr. Seuss but can easily be switched to Mickey Mouse or Sesame Street (which ever one wins his affection). We already have a little start with his blue chair that he loves!
I hope to have our new little reading corner ready to go by his birthday as a gift for both of us!

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