
Monday, April 7, 2014

What's for Dinner this Week? (1)

What's for Dinner This Week is a little insight into my life for you every Monday night. I carefully plan out meals for the week ahead of time and do my shopping over the weekend.  So I wanted to start sharing with you one of the recipes or dinners I am most looking forward to each week.
I stand here in someone else's house trying to figure out what to cook. They have been kind enough to open their home to me, Hubby and the Munchkin during our vacation and I thought it would be nice to have dinner waiting for them when they get home from work.  The issue? They are Vegan, I have never cooked for a vegan before and am kind of worried about screwing something up! I have cooked for Celiacs (gluten free), people who have some thing call Diverticulitus (? something about not processing seeds/corn), Lactose intolerant friends, vegetarian (but still eat fish & cheese) and a whole other slew of special dietary requirements but never Vegan.
We are definitely not vegan, we are the complete opposite of vegan! So originally I was thinking that my husband makes this unbelievable vegetarian lasagna and make some garlic bread to go with it. But then I got to thinking, there is a lot of cheese in the lasagna, not to mention eggs in the pasta. Oh gosh, there are eggs in the bread and butter on the bread. So that option was thrown out.  So other than a Minestrone soup or a salad the only other idea I could come up with is Risotto!
Thank goodness I have this unbelievable Risotto cookbook!
Honestly, this was the best cookbook I have ever bought! I have become really good at making Risotto and our friends and family all love that.  So back to my dinner plans.  So I am thinking depending on what I can find in their pantry or what I can find in the store, I will go with a primavera risotto with lots of hearty veggies (have you ever had an asparagus risotto? YUM). 
Do you have any special diets you have to cook for? Do you find it difficult to make food for someone else? What is on your plate for dinner this week?


  1. I love this post!! It is hard to cook for people who have a food allergy or vegan. I only knew one person once who was vegan and they moved away. I went to their house to eat and then did cook me some meat. My grandmother has an allergy to wheat so I am always trying to think of what she can eat when she visits!!

    1. It is super hard because as someone with no food allergies I don't really think about these things and just think about what tastes good. It is always a struggle when my Mom comes for a visit, the gluten free diets are so hard, heck my mom can't even lick envelopes because there is gluten in the glue!
