
Thursday, April 3, 2014

After Dark Review of Possessed by Desire by Elisabeth Naughton

I have added After Dark Reviews to my blog as a way of notifying you of a review of a book with Adult themes and scenes. From now on I will keep my reviews of all books I read that have explicit scenes in them for late night posts for those of you who prefer to avoid them or easy to find for those of you who seek them out ;)
Synopsis: "Even desire comes at a price…

Imprisonment has taught Ashur, the youngest djinn prince enslaved by a power-hungry sorceress, one thing: life as a pleasure slave has its rewards…if you play by the rules. He’s been tortured. He’s nearly died protecting a tribe that’s forsaken him. But he’s also seen life on the other side as an obedient slave. For a shot at revenge against the brothers who abandoned him, he’s willing to serve his master, even if it means using passion to corrupt the souls she needs to fuel her immortality.

His first assignment, however, turns out to be more than just a woman in need of a little pleasure. Claire is an angel, and angels have the ability to steal djinn powers. No amount of vengeance—not even a ravenous desire he can’t seem to control—is worth the loss of his powers. And there’s no way he’s tangling with a celestial being.

Unless, of course, she tangles with him first…"

My Review: This series just keeps getting better and better, I don't want it to end!!! I have really come to love all the characters, flaws and all. The storyline for this book seemed a lot more intense than the previous two books and had some great underlying messages. Again while it did a great job of rounding out the series, I can't help but wish it didn't have to end. I want so much more and I want to revisit some of the sub-characters we briefly met, but I guess that is a testament to the author that she created such a great world and characters that I don't want to leave. True to the phrase 'leave them wanting more'
My Rating: I really enjoyed this book and whole series. I can't help but give it a rating of Four Paws!


  1. Always awesome when they leave you satisfied but still not wanting it to end because you love it so much. Really must give her a read soon :)

    1. It was really a pleasant surprise since I got all three books free a while ago, and sometimes those free books just don't hold up. I definitely am going to be looking into getting my hands on more books by her!
