
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review of One Big Beautiful Thing by Marie Flanigan

Synopsis: "Artist Kate Abernethy is trying to put her life back together after the death of her boyfriend. At first, moving back in with her mother seems like a good way to sort out her finances and re-evaluate her life-instead it proves to be a minefield of doubt and recrimination. Floundering, she pushes herself to take new opportunities so she can rebuild her life and have a second chance at happiness."

My Review: It was hard to place this book in a category, it had bits of romance, bits coming into your own, bits of inspirational. It was a really a beautiful combination of so many things. I really enjoyed how while the main character Kate was in her prime, she was still making decisions and reacting in ways that people might view as immature, but everyone makes those mistakes. I found myself really routing for her and loved how she was able to move forward with help from some odd places. This story doesn't have a lot of action in it and is more of an emotional journey so the pacing was a little slow, but your love for the characters keeps you turning the pages.
My Rating: I did enjoy the story though I did find it to be a slow read. I loved the characters and will probably find myself revisiting them. I give this one a rating of Three Paws.
One Big Beautiful Thing was sent to me by the author for an honest review.
You can find out more about Marie Flanigan on her Goodreads Page or Website.
You can also obtain your own copy of One Big Beautiful Thing in print or digital format on Amazon or in print on Barnes & Noble.

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