
Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
Dirty Little Secrets by CJ Omololu
Swept Away by Josepha Sherman
Tender Mercies by Kitty Thomas (After Dark)
Hush Little Polar Bear by Jeff Mack (Bedtime Story)

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Tender Mercies
Sneetches on Beaches
Inside Outside Upside Down
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
I love You All Year Long
Goodnight, I Love You
Janes In Love
One Big Beautiful Thing

Currently Reading:

The Gnosis of Salmon by Lynne Marie Rowley - Kindle - 43%
Inn at Rose Harbor by Debbie Macomber - Kindle - on page 87 of 318
Stringz by Michael Wenberg - PB - on page 47 of 216
This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store by AK Turner - Audio - 20%

 Books to be Read Soon:
Water Harvest by Eric Diehl (Requested Review)
One Shark, No Swim by Lehua Parker (Requested Review)
Knightmare by Deborah Valentine (Requested Review)
The Lover from Hell by Rob Palmer (Requested Review)
Fables Vol. 3: Storybook Love by Bill Willingham (Graphic Novel)
The Owl Keeper by Christine Brodein-Jones (Mount TBR)
Stone Cold Revenge by Jess Macallan (Mount TBR)


Life is getting back on track around here (at least for the moment . . . let me find some wood to knock on) and I was able to get quite a bit of reading done this last week.  It was so nice be read a bunch, I had some pretty emotional moments in Tender Mercies and laughed hysterically while listening to This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store not to mention a few fun moments with Harry Potter. The fresh new year just waiting to be filled with books has me excited but first I need to take care of some business around here.  I really need to freshen up the blog a little (not visually, there won't be any new formatting because I am so computer illiterate it is amazing I can get posts up with links and pictures).

First a couple of updates for you guys:
~ As you probably saw over the weekend I have added my Mindless Weekend Ramblings, I had tried to do a personal post for you guys each month last year and that failed, but I feel like you haven't gotten much of a chance to get to know me. So I have added my mindless ramblings, they won't be on any kind of a schedule other than only happening on the weekends but each one will give you a little peek into the workings of my crazy head. I will also use them to share some of my projects (I plan to tackle that sewing machine that has been sitting in my basement).
~ Graphic Novel reviews will still be occurring on Saturdays but I am going to increase them from once a month to twice a month since I am enjoying them so much and getting some great recommendations.  So they will be on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month.
~ Bedtime Stories will continue to be posted each Friday Night at 8:00pm EST and After Dark posts will be featured on Thursdays at 11:00pm EST (a few may pop up on other days of the week if I read more). And of course Monday Reading Lists will be as normally scheduled.
~ Wednesday Writing will be featured on the first Wednesday morning of each month unless I am actively writing a lot (as in Nanowrimo or Nanocamp).

Now I also have more plans for the blog:
~ I need to update the books read page with links to reviews. I am honestly considering just posting a link to Goodreads since all the reviews are on there. Does anyone really use that page? It is awfully time consuming to update and alphabetize.
~ I also need to post a review policy. I receive a lot of requests for reviews and while I enjoy a variety of genres and will often push myself to read outside my comfort zone I am beginning to feel overwhelmed. Not to mention I hate turning authors down or how long it sometimes takes me to review a book. I wouldn't mind any tips or what you use for your review policies.
~ I also need to update the ways you can all follow me, so you can follow my blog in various ways and also on twitter (which I need to get more active on again).  I would like to eventually manage to set up a facebook for the blog as well.
~ Is there anything else you guys would like to see added or removed from the blog, anything different you would like to see me do?

Other Ideas:
~ I have recently discovered the books that inspired some of my favorite movies. I am sure most movies are inspired by a book at some point but for some reason I was surprised. So I was thinking about adding that to my list of challenges, reading the books to movies I have already seen (normally I try to read the book first).
~ I was thinking that when I get in my writing lulls that maybe I would do a once a month writing prompt. Kind of as punishment for not working on my projects and partly as inspiration to get the words flowing again. Would you guys join me in that?

In other things, I don't know if I told you guys but I have a little bit of girlie in me. I love having my nails look pretty. I don't have the time and can't afford to have them done all the time, especially since my job causes them to chip within a day or two. So I do them myself (even though I am absolutely horrible at it and can't paint with my left hand very well at all). I decided that 2014 is going to be dubbed the year of the nails. I am going to take a little time each Friday night after I do all the banking to sit back and make my nails pretty. I don't really have anyone else to bore with these trivial little things so I am going to torture all of you :P
I didn't have a chance to post last weeks nails because I couldn't do them until Monday night so here they are . .
They are French tip nail wraps with little silver sequins (my nails broke off too short so it didn't look so good on a couple). I love wraps because I can get really pretty patterns and flash without all the trouble and frustration of trying to do it myself. 

And then this weeks nails. . .
this was a polish I purchased on Etsy called Forest Nymph and then a matte top coat I also got from Etsy. I was so excited to try a matte top coat and love the look of it, especially with this color which is almost a burnt sienna color with green glitter so it still kind of shimmers through the top coat.

So now that I have driven you all mad with my updates, checklists, and nail polish I will leave you with a cute picture of Munchkin in yet another new hat (I think I have another obsession).


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