
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Review of Airs Beneath the Moon by Toby Bishop

Synopsis: "In the Duchy of Oc, the most precious of creatures are the winged horses blessed by the goddess Kalla. When one is born, it is immediately taken to the Academy of the Air to be trained and watched over. But when a spirited peasant girl bonds with a winged horse of her own, the Academy gets more than it bargained for."

My Review: This is a fantastic fantasy, it has brought me back into loving the genre. I love Larkyn and her whole family. The characters are all so rich and the world building is great, I can picture myself there. You feel the push and pull on Lark, the constant pressure and the ridicule that pushes her down but then the love of Tup and the dream that drives her. I really enjoyed the story as a whole. The turmoil that the Academy faces not to mention Lark and Tup, will keep me reading the rest of the series.
My Rating: I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to continue the series. It really renewed my love of Fantasy, with characters so rich and real that I wish I could meet them. I give it a rating of Four Paws!

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