
Thursday, July 11, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 3

So while browsing the blogs I follow (mind you I am crazy behind on checking everyone's blogs out) I cam across this challenge hosted at Good Books and Good Wine and it sounded kind of fun.
Day 3 Post
Who are your blogging BFFS?
I am kind of a shy person, but I have met some awesome bloggers and become friends with a few.  I do have a couple though that I am much closer with.  First and foremost my pal Jessica over at Thoughts at One in the Morning.  We were friends before we both started blogging on the MLParena and our friendship has grown so much stronger now that we realize that we also share reading and writing in common.  I have also developed a friendship with The Book Queen through our letters (thanks to her Ink Readers).

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