
Sunday, July 21, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 13

So while browsing the blogs I follow (mind you I am crazy behind on checking everyone's blogs out) I cam across this challenge hosted at Good Books and Good Wine and it sounded kind of fun.
Day 13 Post
Describe one under appreciated book Everyone should read.
Good gordy, some difficult questions on this list.  It is really hard to say what book everyone should read since we all have our own reading styles and preferred genres.  In general I would say everyone needs to read something outside their preferred genres at least once a year. You never know what you will find! Last year I discovered the Graphic Novels. This year I was sent a young adult mystery romance and have discovered that I might just love mysteries!
But if I am forced to pick one book, I have to go with my favorite, Fire by Kristin Cashore.  I think everyone who reads it gets something different out of the book.  I think it is a beautifully written fantasy book. It has an unusual world full of danger and beauty. The characters are so deep and real, and most importantly they are consistent and solid. The story line contains so very dark and at times controversial topics but I think it might be necessary to develop such an amazing story.

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