
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Graphic Novel Review of Bone Vol. 1: Out from Boneville

This was your choice for the Graphic Novel during the Spend My Money event in January!
Synopsis: "After being run out of Boneville, the three Bone cousins, Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone, are separated and lost in a vast uncharted desert.

One by one, they find their way into a deep, forested valley filled with wonderful and terrifying creatures...

Humor, mystery, and adventure are spun together in this action-packed, side-splitting saga. Everyone who has ever left home for the first time only to find that the world outside is strange and overwhelming will love Bone.

My Review: This was a little bit of an ehh for me. The illustrations were great and a some of the lines were a little funny but the story line fell flat for me. I really wanted to enjoy this one, it looked like a great story line but it wasn't as exciting as some of the other graphic novels I have read recently. It was a little predictable and I kind of enjoyed the forest animals better than the human characters. The one character I really did enjoy was the dragon. Oh well, some may enjoy it but just didn't hold up to my expectations.
My Rating: I wanted to like this one so bad, the concept and the illustrations had my expectations high, unfortunately it just didn't strike a chord with me.  I give it a rating of Two Paws.

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