
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Review of When First They Met by Debbie Macomber

Welcome to a month of Lust and Love!!
I will be sharing a variety of books with you all surrounding the theme of lust, love and all that lies between. I will have some sweet romances, some childrens love books, and of course plenty of After Dark Steam for all different tastes! Hope you will all stop in and join me!

Synopsis: "From the moment Jo Marie sits next to Paul inside the Seattle Seahawks’ stadium, she feels a spark. Paul’s striking blue eyes and kind smile tell her that he’s someone special—different from any man she’s met before. When they strike up a conversation, Jo Marie and Paul realize how much they have in common, yet there’s one thing keeping them from a fairy-tale ending: Paul is in the military and will ship out of Seattle within the next six weeks. As Jo Marie wonders if she should once again open her heart, she decides that, no matter the stakes, she can’t forgo her chance at true love."

My Review: Macomber has such a knack for creating characters you love almost instantly. This one is a short story but draws you in so quickly, you feel like you have been reading about these characters for ages. I absolutely love the setting, the characters and the story line. Forewarning only read the excerpt from the next book if you are prepared to read that one immediately and go on the emotional roller coaster right away!
My Rating: I loved this book, and any author who brings football into their stories gets an A in my opinion.  The only draw back is that you really have to read the next books, I mean you really can't help it! I give it a rating of Four Paws!


  1. I am very, very far behind on my blog reading, but I did want to pop over and say that I love this February feature even if I didn't notice it until the month was over. I'll definitely been going through you love-and-lust posts and making note of books to check out.

    1. Karen, I am so far behind on my blog reading that I don't even know where to start! That is what I get for reading so many books and posting so much every day lol! Thanks so much for coming by and checking out the event!
