
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Review of Singing It by Zoe Clare

Welcome to a month of Lust and Love!!
I will be sharing a variety of books with you all surrounding the theme of lust, love and all that lies between. I will have some sweet romances, some childrens love books, and of course plenty of After Dark Steam for all different tastes! Hope you will all stop in and join me!

Synopsis: "They told us not to sing it . . .

In Kaylee’s insular, seaside town, no one sings the Song. Singers are wanderers, strangers and outcasts: good families want nothing to do with them.

So when Kaylee’s free-spirited, fey boyfriend, Jim, starts to hum beneath his breath, she’s horrified. And what was supposed to be a careless summer before the end of high school turns into a fierce battle against small-town prejudice, and Kaylee may have to grow up rapidly . . . or risk losing freedom before she’s barely tasted it."

My Review: This was an interesting story. It was very short but so different that I want more. I didn't have time to really get attached to the characters but am so intrigued by the story. It feels like it is a teaser for a much bigger story. I also enjoyed how it isn't all happy, while the love has built over the years, it doesn't always conquer all!

My Rating: I liked this one but so with Clare had made it a full length novel, it seems unfinished and I want more. I give it a rating of Three Paws.


  1. Ugh! See? This is why I'm not a big fan of short stories. They often just feel like a tease and make you want more. Drives me crazy!

    1. Sometimes I enjoy a good quick story but it needs to be a complete story. This one just could have been so much more, I really hope Clare continues the story at some point.
