
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Review of Royal Flush by Scott Bartlett

Synopsis: "Royal Flush asks the question, can a man who throws his dates in a dungeon succeed romantically? A recipient of the H. R. (Bill) Percy Prize, Royal Flush is a novel about a man known only as the King, and as his Kingdom careens toward catastrophe, he cruises seedy taverns looking for likely maidens. He is particularly bad at this. His incompetence and his weakness for beautiful women drag him deeper and deeper into trouble. He is portrayed as a cross dresser by the Kingdom Crier, the Kingdom's most popular tabloid. Shortly after, he must defend his castle against a siege with only his royal fiddler--while attempting to steal his royal fiddler's girlfriend."

My Review: This was an interesting book, definitely out of my normal comfort zone but after reading a exerpt I couldn't resist. Royal Flush is without a doubt meant for entertainment. It is a rambling story with a lot of random comedy. It isn't a book for everyone and you need to be in the right mood to enjoy the humor. While I did enjoy some parts of the book, others just ended up being a little too off the wall for me and left me a little puzzled. All in all though, I had a good laugh!         
My Rating: It was great to read a book that makes you laugh at the craziness. And kudos to Bartlett for feeling free to ramble and being able to write with the flow. A very entertaining book but the humor may not be for everyone.  I give it a rating of Three Paws.
Royal Flush was sent to me by the author for review.
You can find out more about Royal Flush on Goodreads or the author's Website
You can also get a copy of your own on Barnes & Noble or Amazon in either print or digital format.


  1. I'll have to keep this one in mind when I need a laugh.
