
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lets Get Personal: Geeky Girl comes out of the umm. . .Basement?

So after watching an episode of King of the Nerds I am finally giving into the truth of things. I am letting me Geek flag fly and coming out of where ever it is that geeks and nerds come out of, I am guessing the Basement since the closet is already taken. While watching King of the Nerds and thinking it totally awesome that they got to cosplay and managing to answer the Nerdoff questions correctly I decided what is the use of denying it anymore.

The Merriam Webster Dicitionary defines geek as "a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake 2: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked 3: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity <computer geek> "

Wikipedia defines Geek as "The word geek is a slang term for odd or non-mainstream people, with different connotations ranging from "a computer expert or enthusiast" to "a person heavily interested in a hobby", with a general pejorative meaning of "a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp[ecially] one who is perceived to be overly intellectual".[1]
Although often considered as a pejorative, the term is also often used self-referentially without malice or as a source of pride."

So, after years of hiding behind my brother's love of Star Wars to secretly feed my own obsession I am admitting to it. It isn't Christmas to me without watching the original three movies, nearly every thing I see that is Star Wars I purchase, and I regularly contact my mother to make sure my brother hasn't decided to sell or get rid of his collection of action figures, sheets, models, etc.  But it isn't just Star Wars that makes a person a Geek. 

What else makes me a geek, you ask.  Well, I like to think of myself as a more traditional geek. I never really got into video games (unless you count the old Atari that my mother made us get rid of because my dad and I played it too much) or online games (though they could easily become an obsession).  Instead, I have enjoyed a healthy obsession with fantasy books and writing of my own. I also enjoy a good role play (I kind of miss it actually, I really need to track down some of my old sites).  I have a persona or two and have an awesome costume or two to cosplay, though I don't really have anyone or anywhere to go since most of my local friends are definitely not geeks. A collection of vintage My Little Ponies. Um lets see what else, oh, I was in just about every academic club you could imagine, math, honor society, band, etc. etc. While I didn't do the video games, I could show you at least a couple dozen ways of playing solitaire ;)

So there you have it, while just brushing the surface I have outed myself as a full blown Geek!

Not a clear picture but here is me at the My Little Pony Convention dressed up as my persona Cuore Solitario


  1. Geeks of the world unite! I think it's awesome when somebody has a little bit of geek in them. Life is pretty boring without it! I used to play a lot of video games when I wasn't working full time, I pretty much have a handful of games memorized as to where everything is in them, lol. Although I'm not a Pokemon fan, I'm obsessed with Charmanders and started collecting merchandise. And, you know I collect ponies too... ;)

    1. I am so glad that being 'geek' is cool now, its safe for us basement geeks and nerds to come out with out being teased like we use to get.

  2. Yeah, like Jessica said. Let's all unite! I actually DO love video games. :O

    1. I never really got into video games, my brother did when we finally got a computer. We have a Wii that has been waiting to be hooked up for 6 months now.

  3. I don't know you, but based on my increased appreciation of my daughter's obsession with MLP and your cosplay pic...I think I probably SHOULD.

    1. Hi Therese! Thanks so much for stopping by, and I sure hope we can get to know one another! I am definitely one MLP obsessed person and can answer any questions or guide you to people who can answer them. Find all those obscure pony answers for your daughter ;)
