
Thursday, January 24, 2013

After Dark Review of Fractured Moon by ER Pierce

I have added After Dark Reviews to my blog as a way of notifying you of a review of a book with Adult themes and scenes. From now on I will keep my reviews of all books I read that have explicit scenes in them for late night posts for those of you who prefer to avoid them or easy to find for those of you who seek them out ;)

Synopsis: "Aurelia Fridell will always be a freak. Born to werewolf parents, her twin brother Ville can shift forms, but she can't. Twenty-five years searching for answers yields nothing.

As her thirtieth birthday approaches, isolation creeps in, and worry settles in her gut. She accepted her existence long ago, and yet lately, she's felt off-kilter. Eyes follow her, prickling her senses. Her headaches are getting worse.

Is she paranoid, or is there really someone, or something, stalking her? Watching. Waiting. Drumming fingers to a sinister beat she can't hear.

Time will tell.

Ceithin Starkley isn't looking for a mate. Especially now. In fact, he doesn't believe in true-matings at all. While he is being recruited for a new job, a scent on the wind stuns him, and he finds himself fighting an inner battle he never wanted, yet can't ignore.

Sparks fly, as Ceithin and Aurelia fight fate and race against a clock neither knows is ticking.

Will he claim Aurelia before he loses her for good?

Warning: This book is sexy. Contains a drool-worthy Alpha male wearing Beta clothing. A sassy and sweet heroine with brains and brothers you'll adore. A best friend every girl would love to hate. I mean have. And an impossible road no one will see coming."

My Review: This was a middle of the road book for me, it had some great high points but also some low points. I will start first with what fell a little flat for me; I really did not like Aura at all. I would have thought I would love her as a main character, she has a bookstore and does a kids reading hour! But throughout the book it was said how strong she was mentally, but all I saw were breakdowns, until the end. I did however like Ceithin, and Aura's brothers. I also loved the building that Aura designed, it sounds like a fantastic retreat. The story line is also great with some surprising twists and a bad guy you would have never expected! It was a great story all in all, I just wasn't a fan of Aura. It does leave you with an open door and a need to read the next book.
My Rating: While not every thing about Fractured Moon jived with me, it was still a book I wanted to finish and couldn't put down.  I give it a rating of Three Paws.

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