
Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 Mental Illness Advocacy Challenge - Sign Up

The Details:
The official GoodReads group for the MIA Reading Challenge hosted by Opinions of a Wolf.

Read fiction or nonfiction about or with a central character suffering from a mental illness. The sufferer must NOT be demonized.

Challenge Levels:
Acquainted–4 books
Aware–8 books
Advocate–12 books

I am signing up for the Acquainted Level and will be reading the following books
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Soft Spots by Clint Van Winkle
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dressen
and one of these: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, January First by Michael Schofield, Dirty Little Secrets by CJ Omololu, or Life is but a Dream by Brian James

I hope maybe some of you will join me in this reading challenge that brings important issues to light.


  1. Oooh! I would join, but I don't know if it would fit in with what I'm planning on for the year. I know I'll be reading at least one or two that would fit in with this challenge though. Wintergirls and Speak were insanely amazing. You will enjoy! :)

    1. No need to join the challenge if you don't have time, you seem to always read one or two anyway. I am really looking forward to Wintergirls and Speak, they have been sitting on my shelf for a year now just waiting for the right time to read them.

  2. I've only read Speak but it was very good. Have fun and enjoy.

    1. Thanks Jenny! I picked Speak up after seeing you post about it :D
