
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Advent Stories Day 18: Llama Llama Holiday Drama

Welcome to the Advent Story event I am having here on Eastern Sunset Reads this Christmas season.
Every family has their own personal Holiday traditions, and many of them include those advent calendars that have the little chocolates or toys behind each door as you count to Christmas Day. Well in my family we had a Advent Candle instead. Each night we would light the candle and as it burned that day away we would read a special Christmas story or poem. So I decided to bring that tradition to all of you.
Most of the books will be Children's books as I share this tradition with Munchkin for the first time, but I will also have some After Dark specials and maybe a few fiction, romance and young adult books too as time allows. I will also feature a favorite Christmas song each day. So please join me and share some of your favorite traditions, songs and stories this holiday season!

Synopsis: "Llama Llama holidays. Jingle music. Lights ablaze.

How long till that special date?

Llama Llama has to wait.

If there's one thing Llama Llama doesn't like, it's waiting. He and Mama Llama rush around, shopping for presents, baking cookies, decorating the tree . . . but how long is it until Christmas? Will it ever come? Finally, Llama Llama just can't wait any more! It takes a cuddle from Mama Llama to remind him that "Gifts are nice, but there's another: The true gift is, we have each other.""

My Review: This book really shows us all the hype and stress we have created for ourselves during the holiday season. It is actually a shame, and to see how it rubs off on our little ones makes it even worse. But Llama Llama shows us some of the things we can do together as a family to make the days counting down to Christmas pass a little faster.
My Rating: I am a little on the fence with this one, I give it a rating of Two Paws.


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