
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Review of Dog Trots Globe by Sheron Long

Synopsis: "In this fun read — Chula, a 9-year-old Sheltie, shares her dog’s eye view of France. She sniffs around the boulangeries, lavender fields, and big outdoor markets of Provence. In Paris, she trots across the Seine, stands on her hind legs in awe of the Eiffel Tower, and attends opening night at a gallery. Through more than 150 color photographs, four videos, and Chula’s unique perspective, you’ll get a delightful view of Paris and Provence.

In the videos (built into the enhanced eBook for iPad and online for all customers), you’ll visit markets of Provence, see sheep in the streets, admire the sparkling Eiffel Tower, and take a glorious walk with Chula through Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. The book also includes a helpful Afterword with tips and suggestions for taking a dog to France."

My Review: Dog Trots Globe is a wonderful travel guide from a pup's point of view. It is a fun book that follows little Chula's travels. The pictures were stunning and the narration is adorable. I think it would be great to occupy a child on the long flight. Chula's story makes traveling in France appealing to anyone and everyone, all ages included. Chula points out the best markets, fountains, fields and bridges for us to visit while in Provence and Paris, some of which may not be in that overfilled travel guide at the store ;) Not only do you get to read about all the great places Chula visited but her humans also gave some helpful information about taking a dog on vacation with you and what you may need, now Niko being 80lbs probably won't be going anywhere soon but it is extremely helpful advice if he ever does travel. You also get videos and a lot of extras with the purchase of your book!
My Rating: How can we not give Dog Trots Globe a Four Paw rating!! It is an adorable book with a unique concept that is fun for all readers!  (And would make a great gift for dog lovers or travelers this holiday season, in fact I can think of a few of my own friends and family who would love it!)
Dog Trots Globe - To Paris & Provence was sent to me by the Publisher for review.
You can find out more about it on Goodreads or on their site OIC Books
You can also purchase your own copy in ebook format at Barnes & Noble or ebook and hardcover at Amazon.  You can also purchase the hardcover version on IOC Books site.


  1. I thought it was such a cute book!

    1. It is definitely cute, but how could you not have a cute book with such a cute dog?!
