
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Review of The Brotherhood of Piaxia by Michael Darkich

Synopsis: "Years have passed since the overthrow of the monarchy by the Brotherhood of Warlocks and they rule Piaxia in peaceful accord. But now forces are at work to disrupt this rule from outside the Brotherhood as well as within! Follow Tarlok, Savan and Tessia as their paths intertwine, with the Brotherhood in pursuit and the powerful merchant’s guild manipulating the populace for their own end."

My Review: I really enjoyed this one, like most other epic fantasy novels, it takes some time and effort to get into but that is just due to a lot of needed world building. I didn't connect with all the characters as much as I would have liked, especially the main characters, but I absolutely loved Bron! The Brotherhood of Piaxia had a lot of very interesting twists and was filled with magic, politics, and war, there was even a touch of romance but it was a breath of fresh air that the romance didn't take over the story! The only issue I did have with the book was that there seemed to be a lot of pointless characters, granted some were needed for a while and were killed off, but there were still others that gave you a little hint of history or a side story that got you interested but you never got to revisit that story. All in all though it was really a great stand alone fantasy novel.
My Rating: It has been a while since I read a really good epic fantasy, they are so few and far between, especially as a stand alone novel! I really enjoyed it, even with the slow start, it grabs your attention and you really want to find out what the "key" is and how they found it.  I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag!
The Brotherhood of Piaxia was sent to me by the Author for Review.
If you would like to check it out, please visit Goodreads or you can get an ebook copy for yourself at Barnes & Noble or Amazon


  1. I think the world building in fantasy takes a certain mood to put up with. Lately I haven't been in that mood but I feel a change coming. I'm starting to itch for a good fantasy.

    1. Oh I agree entirely, you definitely have to be in the mood for a major world building fantasy, but if you are are in the mood give this one a shot (especially if you don't like your fantasy books muddled with romance).
