
Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Reading List & Meet Me on Monday

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

What I Read Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

The Last Resort by Malena Lott

Currently Reading:

The Brotherhood of Piaxia by Michael Drakich - digital - on page 26 of 340
Liberty: A Lake Wobegon Novel by Garrison Keller - PB - on page 92 of 288
Cleo: The cat who mended a family by Helen Brown - PB - on page 89 of 292

Next Books to be Read:
Under Camelot's Banner by Sarah Zettel - Arthurian Legend Challenge
Soul of a Highlander by Melissa Mayhue - Mount TBR Challenge


Meet Me on Monday

So I found this fun little meme I thought would be great to add so people get to know me a little better (and discover my strange little quirks). Meet Me On Monday is hosted by Acting Balanced where 5 questions are posted each week for us to answer about ourselves and share with all of our readers.

Acting Balanced
And now for this weeks Questions:

1. What is your favorite thing to BBQ?
                                       Umm tough choice, I love Brats, Brisket, Pork loin, steak, and even some non meat products like Zucchini and asparagus! YUM! Now you are making me hungry. The only thing is I don't like BBQ sauce, I prefer dry rubs or a simple marinade like garlic and lemon juice.
2. What is your favorite thing to do on a holiday long weekend in the summer?
                                       I love hanging out with friends at the beach or just at our house. Go fishing or hiking or take the dog somewhere fun to run. We have these great rocking chairs on our front deck that I love to just sit and relax on a nice day. Or I love love love to play cornhole!!!  What do I really get to do on a long weekend? More than likely clean and get caught up on chores and errands and maybe make a brief appearance at a friends house.
3. Who was the last person you ate out with? Where did you go? What was the occasion?
                                               A really good friend and his fiance for her birthday. We went to Red Robin (honestly not my favorite place) but I got to see some people I haven't seen in a year or more!

4. Do you recycle?
                                         Absolutely! We recycle as much as possible, though I think there are things we can recycle that we don't think about. Our recycling bins are overflowing every week (especially if we have friends over ;)

And Number 5 is for you guys to answer . . . . So its been crazy hot all over the country and I have friends and family everywhere, some are dealing with wild fires and others are dealing with power outages.  So how do you keep cool on these hot days?
Um can someone please tell me what happened to last week? It totally got away from me! Not to mention my email is flood, so everyone who emailed me within the last week - I promise I will be responding as soon as possible! On a good note, the nursery project is beginning next week!! Finally finished moving the last of the stuff out of the room and we just about have all the big items we will be needing for the little guy.


  1. Time is flying isn't it?! Argh, I can't seem to keep up.

    My state is dealing with tons of wildfires and the whole sky is filled with smoke and ash. It's awful! To stay cool, I stay in my nice air conditioned apartment or go swimming at my moms house.

    Good luck with the nursery and have a happy 4th!

    1. I hope you and your family are all safe. I grew up out west so totally understand the threat of wildfires and also how all that smoke and ash can reak havoc on allergies!
