
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Review of Frost Kisses by Kailin Gow


Synopsis: "Feyland is thrown into turmoil once again as the Summer Queen Breena's fate leaves the land of strong, beautiful, and dangerous fairies in chaos. An emerging danger has arisen deep in Feyland, and all must take sides. Sacrifices will be made, and not everyone will survive."

My Review: This was the first time I think I have ever not finished a book, I have set one aside for a few months and picked it back up but never completely given up finishing the book! I was very excited with the first book in this series but from that point on it went down hill.  A very similar plot line in each book, with only slight variations.  Breena is kidnapped by the pixies, either Logan or Kian sacrifices themselves to save her, she claims to be helping her Summer realm as she deserts them, supposedly complicated love triangle, etc. etc.  Well, I tried and tried to finish this book but I just couldn't get through it. I got a little excited at the end of the last book in the series when the MC was stabbed, but low and behold she didn't die. Its really the same old plot, same old whiny teenage fairy queen. Logan was the only one who was the slightest bit interesting.

My Rating: I don't know if I can even qualify a rating but if I had to give one, it would be One Paw.


  1. Lol. Wow. I'm wondering how much I'll even enjoy this. I have the first book on my TBR list, maybe if anything, I'll just read that one and not continue. I get frustrated with books that are like the above. I love your honest review.

    1. I really did enjoy the first book in this series, so if you have it I would still read it, but the rest of the series just disappointed me.

  2. Wow, you set it aside? Well, I won't bother then.

    1. Yeah, unfortunately I just couldn't force myself through the last 200ish pages and hear the MC's whiny voice anymore or read the same plot lines again.
