
Friday, June 8, 2012

Completed Craft Projects

Here you go, the long awaited crafting post!! Wow I have had a lot of off topic posts this week but I just wanted to share some fun projects that I have been working on lately.  They are the ones (other than house work) that take me away from my reading and writing!

For those of you who don't know what that is it's a form of paper cutting.  The images are hand cut (I use a combination of xacto knife & tiny sharp scissors.  I then usually glue them onto either a background paper for framing or make cards or bookmarks.

These are the two card sets that I have been working on recently (shameless plug - both sets are for sale).  I do have a couple more projects I am working on and hope to finish while on vacation.

Red Panda Card Set

White Panda Card Set

And here are some close up pictures of the pandas

Custom My Little Ponies
Most of you know about my little obsession with these plastic ponies.  I (along with many other artist) have taken to taking ponies and creating something entirely new using paints, sculpting clays, nylon hair and whatever else strikes my fancy.

Bracken is a persona for a member of the mlparena

This girl was a project between a close friend of mine and myself,
she did the symbol and eyes & I dyed the hair and rehaired her.

 Dillies is a persona for another member of the mlparena

Emuel is also the persona of a mlparena member

Snow Cap was made for an animal based swap on the mlparena
my partner requested a snow leopard

Pearlized Baby Squirmy was made for another mlparena member who loves
the original G1 Baby Squirmy

Olivia was made for a friend of mine who just had a baby girl
She matches the nursery with her colors and dragonflies


  1. Those pandas are adorable! And I love the snow leopard pony. I've always adored snow leopards and that is just awesome. :D

    1. Thanks hun! The snow leopards are always one of my favorites to visit at the zoo.

  2. Aw! Those pandas are so cute! I like the one hanging from a branch...well that's what it looks like he's doing.

    I also like the snow leopard pony. Very unique!

    1. Thanks! I thought the pandas were all super cute, I liked the one standing the best!
