
Friday, December 16, 2011

Follow Friday - Guilty as Charged

  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. LINKY TOOLS IS BACK! I paid for the subscription - finally so now you can add the links to your own post!!! To add the code to your own post click on GET THE CODE here under the list of names.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
  7. If you're new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!

This week's Question:
 When you’ve read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)

Talk about a question being directed at me LOL! I am so horrible at hoarding books! I keep pretty much every single book I read, even the ones I don't like! The couple of times I tried to donate books I ended up going out and buying them again. I do the same thing with Library books, if I read it and return it I just end up going out and buying a copy for my own library, I know bad isn't it?! I have tons of books at my house, boxes of books at my in laws and boxes and shelves at my parents house (I think hubby would have a heart attack if he knew just how many books I have). 

I don't know why it is that I can't seem to get rid of books, I know I love the satisfaction of finishing a book and placing it on the shelf (books don't go on the shelves until they have been read).  I also like going back and re-organizing the shelves and remembering each of the books.  I don't have time to re-read a lot but sometimes I will just sit in my library and pick up a book and remember the experience of reading it.

Even worse is when I do swaps, trades or RAK, I can't send on of my books out so I go out and buy a new one to send instead (and I have learned to only send books I have already read otherwise I have to buy two of them lol).

So how about you? Are you a major hoarder like myself, or do you not mind trading your books for new ones?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

After Dark Review of Were She Belongs by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Synopsis: "After being abducted, Lexi is unable to escape and about to be murdered. Growls…bodies flying…the next thing she knows, she’s staring into the eyes of some sexy wolf she met at the club.

Her old friend Sierra helped save her, along with three very sexy and intimidating Alpha males. Although they are triplets, Lexi soon finds out that they are just as powerful individually as they are together. But she’s never really belonged, and all she can give them is danger and pain.

Paul, Saber and Andre have found their mate, and they’re ready to claim her body and soul. The one problem…Lexi trusts no one. She’s lived on the streets, survived on her own, and she’s not about to be pampered. They know she’s in danger and that she’s safest with them.

It’s going to take some sneaky, dominant sexual tactics to convince Lexi she’s where she belongs."

My Review: Well that was a fun read! I loved the characters, Lexi is awesome and tough and I love the push and pull relationship she has with the triplets (especially Saber). Unfortunately I felt like I didn't get to know Paul as well as the other two brothers. I enjoyed the twists and turns that take place in the plot line and the resolution is great. Just a forewarning though if you aren't into explicit scenes or Menage then I suggest searching for a different book.        

My Rating: I enjoyed the characters and the fact that it wasn't entirely about sex but I wanted more.  I give it a rating of Three Paws.

Book Club Review: Christmas Jars by Jason Wright

Synopsis: "Where had it come from? Whose money was it? Was I to spend it? Save it? Pass it on to someone more needy? Above all else, why was I chosen? Certainly there were others, countless others, more needy than me...

Her reporter's intuition insisted that a remarkable story was on the verge of the front page.

Newspaper reporter Hope Jensen uncovers the remarkable secret behind the "Christmas Jars", glass jars filled with coins and bills anonymously left for people in need. But along the way, Hope discovers much more than the origin of the jars. When some unexpected news sets off a chain reaction of kindness, Hope's greatest Christmas Eve wish comes true."

My Review: Wow, what an emotional book! It had me bawling the entire way through it! It may not have been the best written book but it hits where it counts. The characters are what really counts, you instantly love each one of them. Even though it is a fictional tale it still gives you hope that there is good people out there and that the spirit of Christmas hasn't been completely lost. It shows that one kind act leads to another and another, it makes me hope that each time I smile at someone or say please and thank you or hold a door open for someone that maybe that small kindness is turned around and given to someone else. A great Christmas story and lesson that we should all read to bring us back home.

My Rating: This was a great book, even if I wasn't in a rush to read it for book club I still don't think I could have put it down.  I give it a rating of Four Paws.

Rhodie Reader Thoughts: Well due to the insanely busy holiday month no one was able to come to book club, but I did discuss it online with a few of the readers, and we agreed it was a fantastic tear jerker!  I think this will be a must read for every Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

What I Read Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

A Kiss of Shadows  by Laurell K. Hamilton
A Knight's Enchantment by Lindsay Townsend
Christmas Jars by Jason Wright (book club review coming tomorrow)

Currently Reading:
Sabriel by Garth Nix - PB - on page 231 of 496
A Caress of Twilight by Laurell K. Hamilton - PB - on page 166 of 348
Torment by Lauren Kate - PB - on page 132 of 452

Next Books to be Read:
Catundra by Stephen Cosgrove - Childrens/Bedtime stories
Holes by Lewis Sachar - Middle Reader/ 2011 Challenge
The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis - Middle Reader/ 2011 Challenge/Jan. Book Club
So I got a couple of books read this week, and even read what I have written on Princess Bs to get back in that mind frame.  Still finishing a couple of Christmas projects but even those are quickly dwindling.
I have read 117 books so far this year, I am determined to make it all the way to 125, only 8 more to go!!