
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Writing - Nano Time!

So Wednesday is my official writing update day. I have so many story projects going on and I need a push to get some done. So I will be trying to post each Wednesday about how my writing adventures are going (and I may need a swift kick in the pants by you guys sometimes).

Current Active Project:

The New Old Home - 6,529 words
Everyone dreams of winning the lottery, but what would you do with that money? That is the question presented to Natalie, when she is at the lowest point in her life, she is presented with an opportunity to make any normal person's dreams come true, but all those winnings can't give her what she wants most.

Other Works in Progress:

Princess Bs - 32,131 words
A story about a woman, recently divorced and returned to her home town to figure out what is next. She encounters an old friend and spends a weekend with him and his daughters. Feelings that are long since buried are rising up again, but are her recent loss and his current life going to stand in the way of their happily ever after?

Tamlyn Marie's Grace - 12,072 words
Think Cinderella only with a matchmaker ;)

The Last Mountains - 15,352
A equine shapeshifting family is being hunted to near extinction and the young new leader must go against all her lessons and approach the elite council for aide. Will they help her? How will she keep her family's traditions and values alive, let alone her herd?

Night Rider - 17,229
Alice is a recent high school graduate who is a very accomplished competitive rider in Hunter/Jumper, Dressage, and Western/Rodeo. Her parents had arranged for her to attend a private college on the east coast geared specifically to equine professions. However, Alice wants to focus on her studies in English Literature. When she arrives at the college she hides her riding abilities, but can she keep her talent and love of horses hidden?

Other Ideas Plotting:

Bloodsoar's Story
A pegasus struggles through life, ejected from the herd, near capture by humans.

The Assassin's Assassin
A student learns what the school is really teaching and sets out to destroy those who support the program.
You see that?! Check out that word count for yesterday! I think that is the best start I have ever had, now if only I can keep up the pace and get a couple of thousand each day, I might actually make it!!
So I want to hear what you guys listen to while you are writing. I know some people need complete silence but I like to have music playing, kind of like the score of a movie, it creates emotions and paints pictures for me.  I generally try to make a soundtrack to each of the books I work on to evoke the needed emotions.
I am still working on my soundtrack to New Old Home but I will list some of the albums I have pulled from so far. . .
Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack
Lord of the Dance Soundtrack
Twilight, New Moon & Eclipse musical scores
Braveheart Soundtracks
Josh Gracin
Darryl Worley
Rigoletto Soundtrack
The Black Ghosts
Guns and Roses
Alicia Keyes
Night Castle - Transiberian Orchestra
So there is a little teaser for you of what I use to set the mood for my writing. As you can see I love using soundtracks and musical scores from movies because they are mostly instrumental, but sometimes you need words to the songs to work with too.
So lets here your song lists!


  1. Whether reading or writing I need silence. I try to have music on sometimes but I get too distracted.

  2. I can see how some people need the silence. I have a weird talent for pushing all else to the background. I get most of my reading and writing done in the office where I have a boat load going on around me at all times, or at home while Hubby is watching TV.

  3. I'm so proud of you for that word count, I mean DUDE! Awesome. And I was listening to songs off the Twilight soundtrack, not the musical score, just the soundtrack. Soundtracks for certain movies and TV shows seem to be good for writing. :)

  4. I'm with Jenny on the reading side of things. I need dead silence because I have zero concentration. Sometimes when I write I will have the radio on but if the dj starts talking about something interesting I have to turn it off. When I have music on, if it's not instrumental, I find myself singing along and losing my train of thought! You're doing so well NaNo wise. I'm being a bit hopeless!

  5. Thanks Jessica, I am happy to see that you are keeping pace too, see I told you that you could do it :D Keep it up!

    Lan, I do have to be careful when choosing songs and make sure not to pick songs I like to sing to or I end up writing the lyrics down LOL! I think you are doing awesome Lan, a little ahead of schedule already!
