
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Poetry Pause: A Dream within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

I am working in the poetry section of my own 2011 Reading Challenge. I had planned on posting the poems for you to join me in reflecting on them; however, I am not entirely certain on the copyright laws regarding some of the poets we will read. So to be on the safe side I decided to try to link you to the poem I will be reading.

Another option, if you are looking to purchase a book of poetry, I suggest Half Hours with the Best Poets (Barnes & Noble or Amazon)

This is a fantastic collection of poems, nearly all of my top poems are in this one book!

So the next poem is

The title link with take you to the poem

I do love Poe's writing and poems but in my opinion this one doesn't earn a top spot. This poem definitely evokes some powerful emotions as it talks about the end of a dream in symbolism of the end of ones life. The imagery of one standing on the shore with grains of sand slipping through their fingers no matter how hard you try  to hang onto them is beautiful and yet heartbreaking. It seems as though looking back on your life as you near the end, all the bad things disappear and you remember the beautiful times that made your life just like a dream you don't want to end. A very beautiful and powerful poem but not my favorite.

With that we conclude our Poetry Pause sections for the 2011 Challenge. I may continue to take a pause every once in a while to share another poem with you but it wont be a constant. Hope you enjoyed this brief poetry time!

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