
Monday, October 31, 2011

Review of Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmondy

Synopsis: "In a world struggling back from the brink of apocalypse, life is harsh. And for Elspeth Gordie, it is also dangerous. That's because Elspeth has a secret: she is a Misfit, born with mysterious mental abilities that she must keep hidden under threat of death. And her worries only multiply when she is exiled to the mountain compound known as Obernewtyn, where—for all her talents—Elspeth may finally and truly be out of her depth. Then she learns she’s not the only one concealing secrets at Obernewtyn."

My Review: This one was okay, didn't really suck me in or connect me with the characters. I think that this book was a lot of world building, background information and planning. It didn't really get good or exciting until the last 2 or 3 chapters. I am sure that now all the ground work is done the rest of the series will pick up pace, but this was a little too much info dump in one book with not enough excitement or action. The characters didn't jump out at me, they all seemed average even though they had misfit skills. I didn't feel bad when bad things happened or happy when good things happened. I did start to like Rushton towards the end, so hopefully the characters develop more of a personality in the next book.        

My Rating: Unfortunately I have to give this one a rating of Two Paws. It didn't capture my interested, but I will continue the series since it comes so highly recommended by a fellow book blogger ;)


  1. Yeah, we felt the same about this one but you have to stick with the series. I promise, it gets SOOOO good!

  2. Yeah, I kind of figured it would get better, its a shame that the series needed an entire book of world building. If I survive the month of Nano I think I will order the rest of the series as a reward :D

  3. I am a bit of a suspense junkie and I liked Elspeth enough that the slowness of this book didn't phase me too much. Needless to say I am obsessed with the Obernewtyn series. I think the whole series isn't very action packed except for book 3? so you'll like it if you enjoy a more mellow read and a storyline based around world building. The books do pick up later on though!

  4. See I didn't connect with Elspeth at all, I thought that since she could talk with the animals I might really like her but I just couldn't care less *shrug* oh well. I will definitely keep reading though with both of you suggesting it so highly!
