
Friday, October 14, 2011

After Dark Review of What a Dragon Should Know by G.A. Aiken

Synopsis: "Only for those I love would I traipse into the merciless Northlands to risk life, limb, and my exquisite beauty. But do they appreciate it? Do they say, 'Gwenvael the Handsome, you are the best among us - the most loved of all dragons?' No! For centuries my family has refused to acknowledge my magnificence as well as my innate humility. Yet for them, and because I am so chivalrous, I will brave the worst this land has to offer. So here I stand, waiting to broker an alliance with the one the Northlanders call The Beast. A being so fearful, the greatest warriors will only whisper its name. Yet I, Gwenvael, will courageously face down this terrifying...woman? It turns out the Beast, a.k.a. Dagmar Reinholdt, is a woman - one with steel-gray eyes and a shocking disregard for my good looks. Beneath her plain robes and prim spectacles lies a sensual creature waiting to be unleashed. Who better than a dragon to thaw out that icy demeanor? And who better than a beast to finally tame a mighty dragon's heart."

My Review: By far my favorite of the series so far! I absolutely love Dagmar! She was a brilliant change from the hardened warrior women/ assassins of the previous two books. Dagmar's character was well developed and so interesting with her calm unassuming look and yet a ever working mind behind. I also began to like Gwenvael a little more, he is still not near my favorite of the brothers but I do like him better than I did before. The story line was very interesting as well, a great continuation from previous events, yet still unexpected.        

My Rating: Because of the quirky characters and the different plot line I give this one a rating of Four Paws!

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