
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Shelving Saturday - #15

Welcome to Shelving Saturday

Shelving Saturday is a weekly blog event I have started here at Eastern Sunset Reads. Each week I will post a shelving dilemma or question and you can join me in the response.

Please feel free to post on your blog and link back here, please be sure to post the link to your response in the comments so I can come and check your Shelving day out!

So today we are going to talk about one of the virtual shelving sites, Goodreads.  I know some of you already use the site but I would like to take a look at the shelving features Goodreads offers.  Each account has three shelves to start out with, Read, Currently Reading and To Read. It is very simple to add books to any of these shelves, just search the book you want to add and move your mouse over the 'add to shelf' button and choose which shelf you want to add it too.  The great thing about Goodreads is that you can create your own shelves too.  You can break up your books into genres, authors, subjects any thing you want and you can add the books to multiple shelves. It is a great way to keep track of the books you have read but don't own or even like me trying to keep track of the books you own, and the books you want to read.

Goodreads is a free site to join and you can add as many books as you want.  It also has several other great features, but since this is Shelving Saturday I wont go into the extras.

So do you have a goodreads account? How many books do you have shelved? How many shelves do you have and how do organize those shelves?

I do have a goodreads account that I started about a year ago.  So far I have 817 books on my account, most of those are books I own and books that I want to get my hands on.  I have my books shelved several different ways, I have some shelves dedicated to my favorite authors, Laurell K. Hamilton, Robin D. Owens and Robin Cook.  I also have a shelf with special subject matter, horses, so all books that feature horses strongly are added to that shelf.  I then also have it separated into genres, children's, young adult, middle reader, romance, fantasy, etc.  My favorite genres I also separated into sub genres like paranormal romance and historical romance.  All in all I have 23 different shelves to organize my books.  Its a great thing how you can organize them however you want and put them on multiple shelves (wish I could do that at home)!

Hope you all have a great weekend!!


  1. I feel embarrassed but I pretty much just stuck to the same three shelves they gave us. I do have a favorites and a reading this summer shelf but other than that, I haven't been very creative. I love their owned books shelf, it's how I keep track of what I own.

  2. Oh dear, shelving on goodreads is such a struggle for me. I keep thinking I should have genre shelves, then I remind myself sometimes I don't even know the genre and I get irked when people use a genre for a book where it shouldn't haha!

    I do have more than the three basic shelves. I added a classics, mystery and in-spanish shelve because I read a lot of books in spanish when I was a kid :)

  3. Thank you both for stopping in!
    The I Own is a great feature, I haven't really used it because I own every book on there except the ones on my wishlist.

    I also have a problem with books being in the wrong genre, that's why I only put them on the shelves when I read them, so I do have a lot of books that aren't on shelves yet.
