
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Review of From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg

Synopsis from Goodreads: "When suburban Claudia Kincaid decides to run away, she knows she doesn’t just want to run from somewhere, she wants to run to somewhere — to a place that is comfortable, beautiful, and, preferably, elegant. She chooses the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Knowing her younger brother Jamie has money and thus can help her with a serious cash-flow problem, she invites him along.
Once settled into the museum, Claudia and Jamie find themselves caught up in the mystery of an angel statue that the museum purchased at auction for a bargain price of $225. The statue is possibly an early work of the Renaissance master, Michelangelo, and therefore worth millions. Is it? Or isn’t it?
Claudia is determined to find out. Her quest leads her to Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, the remarkable old woman who sold the statue, and to some equally remarkable discoveries about herself."

My Review: This has been the best middle reader I have read so far this year. What a great idea to run away to the museum! I loved both Claudia and Jamie, both are smart kids with a lot going for them. I really enjoyed their relationship with each other, they may have fought some but they always made up and realized that the other was smart (even said so) it reminded me a lot of my own relationship with my brother. The best part about the book was that it was almost believable. I also liked Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, she is quite the character and had some wonderful ideas about secrets. This was a very enjoyable book, and even though it was written for younger kids, it can still be enjoyed when you are older.        

My Rating: This was a fun and entertaining book and I give it Three Paws and a Stump Wag!


  1. I read this one when I was a kid. I hardly remember it now but I remember liking it and thinking it would be awesome to live in a museum. May be time for a re-read. ;)

  2. Definitely time for a re-read Jenny! I thought the same thing (even now) that it would be so cool to live in a museum.
