
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Getting Excited for Fall Adventures

Normally I don't like fall because it means that winter with all its snow, freezing rain and cold is getting very near.  But this year I am anxious to get to fall! I want October to be here now! Why? you may ask.

Well the Boston Book Fest of course!

I got to attend this last year for the first time (thanks to a football pool win over the hubby) and nothing will stop me from attending again this year!  You can see my post about last years HERE.

Last year however I was very unorganized and couldn't get up there early enough, so only made it to two talks. 
One was The Ancients: History & Myth where Pulitzer Prize winner Stacy Schiff talks about Cleopatra, Sir Peter Stothard explores a famous slave rebellion in The Spartacus Road, while Caroline Alexander provides a fascinating look at the timeless classic, The Iliad, in The War That Killed Achilles were presenting.   Unfortunately I still have not read any of the books, and am kicking myself for not purchasing them while I was there.

The second was YA Fiction where  Francisco Stork, author of The Last Summer of the Death Warriors shares the stage with Kathryn Lasky, celebrated author of the Guardians of Ga’Hoole series, now a major motion picture, Harvard sophomore and writing phenom Noni Carter, author of Good Fortune, and Kristin Cashore, bestselling author of American Library Association’s Best Books for Young Adults Graceling and Fire presented. I was so excited and honored to get my copies of Graceling and Fire autographed by Kristin Cashore.

This year's schedule has not been announced as of yet but they have told us the date . . .

October 15th
So mark your calendars, make arrangements and come join me, listen to the presenters, meet your favorite authors and spend a day surrounded completely by books & the bookish!!


  1. Sounds fun! I hope you have a great time!!

  2. Man! I wish I could come, it sounds great.

  3. I am so excited to go, I can barely wait! Too bad you can't come Jenny :( I am hoping I can maybe meet some fellow bloggers.
